Tag Archive for: email

I have been reading “The Daily Stoic” everyday since January 1st. It has been enjoyable and helpful to have a small daily reminder of stoic philosophy, and it has kick started my reading habit. Win-win! However, after sixty-some days of reading, this is the first quote worth sharing:

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A stylized illustration of a busy classroom environment. The image shows a man in a suit, viewed from the back, in front of a computer screen displaying an email application. The scene includes various classroom supplies and decorations, such as books, folders, and a clock on the wall. In the background, there are several students seated at desks, working on computers. The classroom is adorned with colorful books on shelves, a green chalkboard with diagrams, and white papers with notes on them

As a teacher of advanced high school students, I have such a different job than many of my peers in my building; but when I walk into my son’s elementary school, I can not get over how different his teacher’s day is from mine. I could never handle their job, and I would never want to try. 

However, secretly, I have always been a little bit curious/envious of the behavior management/parent communication apps that are available for elementary school teachers. ClassDojo looks like such a cool tool that I have my fingers crossed that one of my son’s teachers will use it so I can see what it is like.

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I have been aware of the concept of “Clear to Neutral” for quite a while. I think I first heard about it 5+ years ago on a College Info Geek video. Over time I have heard either the same term or the same concept described by many people in the productivity space, but I have never been able to keep it up as a habit.

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This post is from more than a decade ago. However, as the school year starts and emails are flying into my school inbox, it is as relevant as ever.

Read this article and learn how to be better at email, everyone you work with will appreciate it:

Writing Sensible Email Messages- 43 Folders

It’s funny how much excitement I get out of little automations like this. Check out how to automatically insert a personalized greeting into your emails.

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