Tag Archive for: teaching

The next book on my list to read is Understanding How We Learn: A Visual Guide, I read the first chapter, and I was blown away. I can’t wait to pick it up and finish reading it!

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A stylized illustration of a busy classroom environment. The image shows a man in a suit, viewed from the back, in front of a computer screen displaying an email application. The scene includes various classroom supplies and decorations, such as books, folders, and a clock on the wall. In the background, there are several students seated at desks, working on computers. The classroom is adorned with colorful books on shelves, a green chalkboard with diagrams, and white papers with notes on them

As a teacher of advanced high school students, I have such a different job than many of my peers in my building; but when I walk into my son’s elementary school, I can not get over how different his teacher’s day is from mine. I could never handle their job, and I would never want to try. 

However, secretly, I have always been a little bit curious/envious of the behavior management/parent communication apps that are available for elementary school teachers. ClassDojo looks like such a cool tool that I have my fingers crossed that one of my son’s teachers will use it so I can see what it is like.

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I have been aware of the concept of “Clear to Neutral” for quite a while. I think I first heard about it 5+ years ago on a College Info Geek video. Over time I have heard either the same term or the same concept described by many people in the productivity space, but I have never been able to keep it up as a habit.

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I am a huge fan of Nancy Duarte’s presentation philosophy, I own three of her books, and I build my presentation rubrics in my class around her guidance. Here are two quick videos to serve as a starting point to make better presentations.

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To help students be successful in my self-paced HBS class I have a tutorial that they must complete. The tutorial teaches them a variety of technologies and metacognitive strategies to help them be successful learners. Here is the objective where I teach them about the Pomodoro Technique:

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