A cool creator is someone (or a group) who is out in the world making cool stuff. These people inspire and educate me.

While this is probably the most niche recommendation I have in the podcast world, it might be the show which has had the biggest impact on my life.

The Automators is where I was first exposed to things like Keyboard Maestro, Hazel, Drafts, and OmniFocus. Each one has had a dramatic influence on my life. I think you should give it a chance.

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This is the podcast I like the most but have the worst sale pitch for.

If you like hearing two late-middle-aged white guys talk about parenting, life, work, and technology, this is the show for you!

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I have recently been going through my “read later” list. You know those articles you see on Twitter or Reddit and think, “Oh neat, I should read this… later” so you save it, but then never read? Same!

Recently I have been auditing that list and reading the ones that still look interesting. This post from TheMuse.com, 11 Habits You Should Definitely Steal From Ultra-Productive People was a great find!

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The next book on my list to read is Understanding How We Learn: A Visual Guide, I read the first chapter, and I was blown away. I can’t wait to pick it up and finish reading it!

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